
Too tired to write.That is how I feel right now.

If I had it my way I would be fast asleep but as it turns out I have to get some documentation and workout done before getting to bed

Today wasn’t very productive. First of all I didn’t get to bed early so I got up late which automatically takes up most of your day. Everything gets rolled back and you are struggling to meet deadlines. I had some errands to run also. All in all it could have been better. I also realized that I need to cut down on the content I watch and focus only on a few. Early in the year I decided to increase the motor sports that I watched so I added MotoGP and F2 to F1. But not the NFL season is in full swing and I find myself watching that one too. Throw in the political podcasts that I watch and I seem to be throwing away a lot of energy through focusing on all this content. I you add the podcasts that makes it even worse. I have gone through a process of downsizing content and I think I would have to do it again. The Formula E season is about to start throw that in with some series. I need to take action quickly. Probably I should focus more on highlights for some of them and limit myself to F1, podcasts and series. I will make some decisions soon.


#metoo and Kavanaugh

Another day another blog-post.

Its the end of the week and I had a really stressful day and a really tiring one so I will leave you with a speech given by Senator Ben Sasse that brings a lot of sanity to this whole #metoo and Brett Kavanaugh issue. It doesn’t matter which side of this issue you support this speech is worth listening to.




A little quote on decisiveness to let you know how I feel about today. It sums things up and helps to put life in perspective.

“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”

― Theodore Roosevelt



Today is a the day after I made my intentions clear about using October as a month to build some consistency in writing, reading exercising and doing my audio blog. Yesterday I admitted that I was at my lowest in motivation. I didn’t realize that it was even more serious until a few moments ago when I was debating between lying down in bed and watching a movie or sitting down and writing. The struggle was real. I couldn’t believe that after being so passionate about doing some work I would loose all motivation in such a short time.

Thinking about it some of my struggle comes from tiredness and a lack of creativity, for example I was trying to give myself an excuse stating that I didnt know what to write about.

So here is todays productivity report. Today I wasn’t as productive as I would have liked. Once again I could boil it down to being indecisive and generally disorganized but I was able to pull back some points by the close of the day. I didn’t get the best sleep and I got out of home late, so that also played a role. I would have loved to do some more productive work like programming but I would focus more on getting the three tasks done on a daily basis that would help me more to build the consistency that I crave.

I will sign out here since I have an audio blog some exercise and reading to do.




I am writing today because I am feeling the least motivated I have felt in the last couple of months. I am at a complete low, feeling unmotivated, uninterested and lacking energy to do anything. I am doing so because it is a good practice. The truth is that the winner of the race is declared at the end when everyone is exhausted an no on wants to put in anymore energy. Buy cultivating the discipline to get going when  don’t feel like it you increase the chances of success at anything that you want to do.

So my plan is to blog everyday for the whole of October. Nothing complex, just put up a blog post. I have lost a day already this month since today is the second of October so I will put in another blog post which will be a motivational quote.

I will end here.
